Thanks to the lovely folk at Made In Yorkshire and their Yorkshire Day Giveaway, design dpi are the proud winners of a Yorkshire music bundle.
Thanks to the lovely folk at Made In Yorkshire and their Yorkshire Day Giveaway, design dpi are the proud winners of a Yorkshire music bundle.
It really is hard to believe that it has been over fifteen years since first beginning to design websites. Originally it was a part-time, sideline thing during the lunch hour while 'playing' with html and some very dodgy looking animated gif's. This healthy obsession with animated gif's by the way may become apparent up here on the blog.
For months there has been a steady increase in mobile users visiting design dpi. Throughout 2011 a mere 6% of users were on a handheld device, last month this figure had risen to a staggering 32%, simply highlighting the importance of having a custom mobile friendly website design.
It was around the turn of the Millennium. Having been designing websites for 3 years with a mixture of tools, for the latter part of 1999 the use of what was then called Macromedia Dreamweaver began to become standard. It only took a matter of weeks to adopt the whole Macromedia family, Dreamweaver, Fireworks... and Flash!
The intention for the first blog post was always planned to reiterate just how many years experience design dpi has under its belt, by showcasing the very first website designed back in 1997.