Patchsave Solutions Logo Design Over the Years
I'm really enjoying spending a bit of time every now and again going through old backup discs. I've recently written about the Evolution of the design dpi logo design, so thought it would be quite interesting to take a look at some of my other logo design transformations over the years.
This kind of logo design work totally fascinates me. I've been fortunate enough to work with and witness other companies evolve over the years, being part of that process is something I don't ever take for granted. Each design in many respects is a snapshot of not just where I was personally as a designer at the time, but also an indication of design styles that have ultimately shaped our visual communication over the years.
Boy oh boy, how times have changed, and hey, it's not every time we get it right first time.
Patchsave Solutions Logo Design 2015 - present

Just how did this present day logo design come in to being? Let's take a look at some of the logo concept designs over the past 15 years.
Logo Design Concept (First Batch), 2004

Logo Design Concept (First Batch), 2004

Logo Design Concept (First Batch), 2004

Logo Design Concept (First Batch), 2004

Logo Design Concept (First Batch), 2004

Fifteen years later, I can genuinely remember a feeling of disappointment from the client after presenting these. It was quite early in my career, particularly for logo design, and I learnt a really valuable lesson about the design process. That was to educate myself about as many aspects of the clients business as best as I could. Being politely told what a Cat5e connection should look like, still drives me to this day.
Needless to say, and quite rightly, it was back to the drawing board, or in this case back to a blank canvas in Macromedia Fireworks. Yep, Fireworks, let's not forget I was and am a web designer first, and I loved me some Macromedia Fireworks, still do *sigh*, yeh, I've still got a copy of Adobe Fireworks CS6 on my machine, don't judge.
Be warned though, there may be an ever so slight abuse of the drop shadow on the rest of the page. Safe to say, I overused the drop shadow for a hot minute in the early naughties.
Logo Design Concept (Second Batch), 2004

Logo Design Concept (Second Batch), 2004

Logo Design Concept (Second Batch), 2004

Logo Design Concept (Second Batch), 2004

Logo Design Concept (Second Batch), 2004

I'm pretty sure at this stage after the second batch of concepts, the client hinted that the 'tick' might be the way forward, and that's why I went off on a tangent, to present the client a complete set of different ideas and logo design concepts, incorporating the tick along the way.
Logo Design Concept (Third Batch), 2004

Logo Design Concept (Third Batch), 2004

Logo Design Concept (Third Batch), 2004

Logo Design Concept (Third Batch), 2004

Logo Design Concept (Third Batch), 2004

Logo Design Concept (Third Batch), 2004

Logo Design Concept (Third Batch), 2004

Logo Design Concept (Third Batch), 2004

Logo Design Concept (Third Batch), 2004

Logo Design Concept (Third Batch), 2004

Logo Design Concept (Third Batch), 2004

Three iterations, and multiple logo designs that didn't even make the cut. The one thing I strive to achieve, even today, is making 100% sure the client is happy with their design. Whether that be logo design, print design or web design, I will go out of my way get on to the same page and understand my clients vision, doing everything I possibly can within my design arsenal to fulfill, meet and exceed their design expectations.
I certainly hope that was the case here. The final logo design would eventually end up being used, with subtle changes for 8 years between 2004 and 2012. But how this final logo design has evolved over the past 15 years, is equally fascinating as how it came into being in the first place.
Patchsave Logo Design 2004 - 2009

Patchsave Logo Design 2009 - 2012

Patchsave Logo Design 2012 - 2015

Patchsave Solutions Logo Design 2015 - present

Little do we realise we're looking at dozens of rounded square logos every day on our handheld devices. The current logo with its rounded square, is very much a modern design which can be perceived as being popular with tech companies. The angular geometry of the square can symbolise professionalism, stability, dependability. Adding the Patchsave Solutions tick to the rounded square made perfect sense with the company being in the IT industry, and it's future use as an App icon.
The colour palette hasn't really changed that much over the years. Black, grey and red have always been the corporate colours, with the colour palette you can see below being those chosen as the latest brand guidelines.
HEX: #201F1F
Grey Suit
HEX: #929297
HEX: #EE3224
I hope you've found this nostalgic logo transformation as interesting as it was for me to review. I genuinely can't wait to see what other designs I uncover in these old archive backups.
Perhaps another post could look at the evolution of the Patchsave Solutions website over the last 15 years?
Thanks for looking, and I'd love a comment or two, a comment that wasn't from a spam bot would be nice 😂